
Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Earn It!

My catch-phrase of the day. Wonder if I could trademark it? Eh, whatever. It would just be cool if people caught on and started spouting "Earn It!" at every given opportunity. Basically, this stems from one of my pet peeves, which is people thinking that the world owes them a fucking favor. Earn It, asshole! I'm SO sick of hearing people complain about others having what they don't, and doing absolutely nothing to change their own situation. In other words, doing jack shit to Earn It. WTF dude?? This phrase also applies to people that expect things like trust, respect, and loyalty from others. Fucking Earn It! The world can be a harsh, unfriendly and unfair place, and take it from me - it and the people in it don't owe you a damn thing. If you want IT (whatever IT is for you) do yourself a favor and go Earn It!

I'm not crabby or anything, I swear I'm not. It's just one of those things that bugs me, and I was sparked to rant about it due to a conversation I had with one of my coworkers today. He was telling me about his kid wanting a certain car. (He has 4 kids between the ages of 13 and 19, and has already purchased a car for the oldest.) I said to him "Oh? How does (kid) plan to pay for it?" He laughed at me. I raised an eyebrow and looked back at him and said "Well?" He laughed some more, and muttered something about it being a parental responsibility of sorts. GOOD GRIEF.

Maybe I really shouldn't have kids, because I'm telling you right now, no amount of conversation will EVER convince me that it's my "responsibility" as a parent to purchase and make insurance payments on a car I will never drive. Not only that, but I suppose then I will additionally be expected not to be upset when the little shit gets in an accident while talking on his cell phone (which, no doubt, I will have bought and now pay montly service charges on). Fuck that.
My parents raised me right. If I wanted something, I busted my ass around the house (cleaning, ironing, doing dishes, etc.) until they decided I'd done enough back-breaking work to have earned whatever it was I wanted. If I went to my parents and asked for money, they'd laugh at me and tell me to go get a job and earn it. Imagine that! They taught me there's no such thing as a free lunch, no one is going to give you hand outs, and if you want something, you have to go out and Earn It!
