
Friday, September 19, 2003

Under the Tuscan Sun

So the roomie and I were watching TV last night (I was stoned, as usual; she was sober, as usual) when we saw a trailer for Under the Tuscan Sun. We were both quiet for a second then this:

Me: Well there's a movie I'll never see.
Roomie: (pursing lips together) THHPPPBBBTTT!!!!! (you know, that sound you make when you stick out your tongue and blow like a fart)
Me: (laughing) I'd rather be subjected to a fucken Steven Segal movie...
Roomie: (laughing harder)...Oh! Or Steven Segal vs. Jean Claude Van-Damme. In a battle....of the wits
Me: (laughing harder still) Like some macabre version of the Freddy vs. Jason bullshit.

I almost peed my pants. See, weed can make just about anything funny.

Well, I'm off to work on perfecting this blog. Have some formatting crap to change and other fun stuff.
