On a lighter note...we have a bet going. I mentioned to him last night that I hadn't masturbated since I last saw him, which was last Saturday night. I think me saying that might have been the first time I've ever really surprised him. He said "WHAT?!" in such a high squeaky tone that I'm convinced dogs all over my neighborhood were going apeshit. I had to laugh. Anyway, I told him that I'm pretty sure I can hold out until I see him again, which most likely isn't going to be until AT LEAST next Thursday, possibly not until Saturday. He bet me that I can't. If I win, I get a brand-new $20 bill. If I lose, he gets my teddy bear for an undetermined amount of time. Evil little shit, ain't he? I told him that if I lose and he takes Farmer Ted (doesn't everyone name their teddy bear??) that he better be good to him and sleep and cuddle with him the way I do. I mean after all, it's not Farmer Ted's fault if I lose, so why should he suffer? And yes, I know I'm a big big freak for sleeping and cuddling with a teddy bear, and yes, I know I'm an even bigger freak for talking like my teddy has feelings. Well I don't care what kind of freak y'all think I am. It's lonely sleeping alone, dammit!