Friday's Quote
Gilbert Shelton of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comic books had a character named Freewheelin' Franklin that popularized that phrase. Jay duly notes that the character did not use the word weed, though, and instead used the word "dope." Here's a link to check out Gilbert Shelton. Thanks for the info, Jay! You rock.
If you have documentation of who originated this saying, send it to me and I'll edit this post and educate anyone else who says this besides me. [Update: I no longer need this; see above.] It is something I have said many times, and it isn't any less true today than it was the first time I heard it. In fact, it may be even MORE true now than it was the first time I heard it, because now I actually have gone through times with money but no weed.
Wish I were high right this minute....I'd likely be having a much better morning at work.