
Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Hand jobs vs. ??

A little tidbit from today's post over at ErosBlog prompts me to ask...

Guys - hand jobs, blow jobs, vaginal sex, or anal sex? Which feels the best to you? Is there one that you'd prefer she do to you more often than the others? Hm, that sounded biased...if you are a gay or bisexual male, take out the vaginal sex part and change the previous question to "he" rather than "she." Rate them if you want to, in the order that you like them. Is there one you wish she/he'd never do? Is there one you love but she/he sucks at (no pun intended!) but you wish she/he'd learn to do better? Have you told her/him? Can you tell her/him? Is there one she/he's better at than the others?

Would LOVE to get some feedback on this!

Oh, and there one you prefer doing more than the others? I personally have never really perfected my hand job technique. I'm kinda crappy at it due to lack of practice, and as a result I almost never spend any time working his dick with my hand. On the other hand (heh, no pun intended, again) I LOVE TO SUCK DICK. I mean seriously love it. As a result, I do that to him as much as I possibly can. (Last weekend was a good example...Aunt Flo was in town, so to avoid the messy implications of regular sex, I gave him head a bunch of times, which he loved.) Don't get me wrong, I really really really like regular sex; ditto for anal. I'd never turn either of them down, but I have a special place in my heart for blow jobs. So girls, weigh in with your thoughts.

