I miss my (biological) mom
I am adopted. I was born and lived with my biological mother for about three weeks, then was placed for adoption. My parents adopted me when I was six weeks old.
People that know their biological parents and siblings just don't realize how cool that is. How cool it is to look at their mom or dad or both and be able to see where they themselves get certain physical traits or habits. I've never had that opportunity, and in a way, I never will. Earlier this year, I did a search for my biological mother and was informed that she had passed away a couple years ago...at the ripe old age of about 47. I did get a picture of her though. It was taken when she was about my age (31). It's easy to see where I get a lot of my physical traits. So that solves part of the mystery. But the other part will always be a mystery. I'll never get the opportunity to talk to her. I'll never know what kind of person she was. I wonder if she was like me? I wonder if she was emotional like I am? I wonder if she is the one person that could have really understood me? I wonder if we would have been friends in a way that my ma and I cannot? (Ma is my mom. My adoptive mom. She is the only ma I've ever known, and I would never think of her any different.) I don't know. I just know that there are times that I'd like to be able to point to the people that created me and say "AH-HA! THAT'S where I get that from!" and I can't. Somehow, it seems like things would be easier to swallow if I had someone to blame for the way I am. I mean someone besides myself.