Knowing about him
Be even nicer to know about him for sure, right, Sweetie? (I can feel you in this post...) "Don't ask, don't tell"...indeed.
(I keep re-reading this instead of posting it. I wish I knew how to do italics. I'd italicize the word 'feel', if I could. I'd also italicize the word 'him', because I don't really think it's you you're wondering about. I do not want this comment to sound short or snotty or mean AT ALL...hence wishing I could emphasize key words.) (If I had a younger sister in my life, I wish you were her...)
First of all, thanks Stevie. Consider yourself my older sista! Now, let me address your comment properly.
I can totally see where Stevie's coming from on this. If I were anyone but me, I'd say the same thing. Especially given the "don't ask, don't tell" rule. I should maybe point out (in case I haven't already) that the rule is HIS, not mine. He has insisted that if I should ever stray, I just don't tell him about it. There are a lot of issues behind why he insists on that rule that I won't go into, but suffice it to say, he has his reasons and I was not put on this earth to try to change anybody. I don't agree WITH it, but I will agree TO it. That said, I had to insist on a rule of my own...which is...if he should ever cheat in any way, shape, or form that he MUST tell me about it. He agreed to that. I don't know that he fully understood all the reasons behind my rule, but he agreed to it anyway. Funny thing is, I don't worry about him cheating in the least. It probably sounds weird, but you have to know him to fully understand. It's just simply not in his nature.
When we were first going out, we had many long discussions about the pros and cons of monogamy vs. open relationships. I was in favor of an open relationship, he was in favor of monogamy. Long story short (because I'm too lazy to get into the whole thing right now) we agreed upon monogamy. Not because he talked me into it, and not because I knew that's what he wanted and so I agreed to it. It was (and is, and will be) what I wanted. We had many discussions about cheating, as well. Based on all those conversations and a host of other reasons, I know in my heart that him cheating is something I will never have to worry about.
I'm short on time so I'm trying to cram this in here before a meeting. I feel like there's more I want to say, so hopefully I'll get to this later today. If not, there's always tomorrow! Oh! And sorry 'bout my lack of posts this week. I was out sick on Monday and yesterday was hell trying to get all caught up. Tomorrow should provide me with a little more time for blogging fun.
Kisses to all of you that have left me kind and encouraging comments over the last few days of my craziness. Thank you. It's nice to know people are reading this, and that they care how I'm feeling. Oh, and it's also nice knowing I'm not half as nuts as I sometimes feel!