
Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Cigarette hangover

Ggggrrrr...ever had one? If you smoke cigarettes, you probably know what I'm talking about. You know, when you go to the bar and you start drinking and smoking and you're kind of bored and kind of catching a buzz and smoking some more and drinking some more and smoking some more...and suddenly it's the end of the night and (gasp) you realize you've just smoked an entire pack of cigarettes in a matter of about 4-5 hours. EWWW. You just KNOW that you're going to feel like complete shit the next day, and it's not going to have anything to do with the amount of alcohol you drank.

So that's my cross to bear today. That, and I'm so tired I'm starting to feel mentally challenged.

I promise a better post tomorrow. I'm thinking about telling you about the delicious sex Vin and I had last weekend. Here's a teaser...there's a bruise on my shoulder from where he bit me that is nearly as big around as a baseball, and although it's been 4 days since he bit me there, it's still a tad swollen. YUM.

Also been giving some thought to posting about the first time I got my heart broken, since that was one of the things requested in my comments from my "What do YOU want?" post. (Yep, too lazy to link.)

Maybe it would be good to get that story out of my system. Hm. I'll ponder it.

