
Monday, November 24, 2003


Not feeling particularly 'bloggy' today. Not sure what to say. It was an okay weekend, aside from a ridiculous incident I had with Vin on Saturday morning. So ridiculous, in fact, that it's not even worth explaining, but I'll give you the long story short version. I did something stupid, he reacted less than ideally, and I couldn't stop crying. The whole thing was avoidable, and it won't happen again.

On a more pleasant note, in honor of Thanksgiving this week, I've decided to make a list of things I'm thankful for. Seems appropriate. Especially given the amount of bitching I've been doing lately! I'll post it Wednesday, as I'll be out of the office the remainder of the week.

Some of you may be saying 'Oh how nice, you have Friday off'. Yea well it's the least these heartless bastards could do for me, considering. Considering what, you ask? Considering they don't cover birth control, which means that I pay $43.99 a month out of pocket for that shit. Considering they gave me a $50 cash "gift" as an award for 5 years of service, but then taxed me $15 dollars on said "gift." Bunch 'o Bitches. BUT HEY, I am thankful that I even have a job, considering the predicament some people are in right now, and I'm thankful for a certain amount of job security. Still pisses me off that they refuse to cover my birth control. It's fucked, FUCKED I say.
