
Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Six Months

Today officially makes six months that I've been seeing Vin. Seems like a day as much as it seems like forever. There are times that I don't really remember what my life was like before him, and I don't care to. Everything that has changed in my life since he came along has been a change for the better. I can't imagine spending another day of my life without him, and I hope I never have to.

There are times he drives me nuts and I could swear he's just trying to push every button I have, and there are times when he is the most incredible, loving, and gentle person on earth. I love that about him. I love that he's incredibly intelligent without being an arrogant ass. I love that he's quiet and loving and supportive when he should be, and loud and pushy and overbearing when he can see I need a kick in the ass. I love that he dresses well but doesn't look like one of the Fab5 from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. I love that he knows how to treat me like a lady, but also knows how to lay someone out in five seconds flat. I love that he would defend my honor if he needed to, but respects the fact that I can take care of myself. I love that he lets me be independent, but is always willing and able to help when I ask. I love that although he has committed himself to never having to compromise to sacrifice his own happiness, he's willing to meet me in the middle when it's desperately needed. I love that although he's not the most emotional man on the planet, he's willing to communicate his wants, needs, and desires to me. I love that he's got everything I ever wanted in a man and so much more. And I love that he's gorgeous but humble.

There are many more things I love about him. Many, many, many. But this post has pretty much hit is mushy-lovey-might-make-someone-vomit limit, so I'll stop.

Vin, baby, even though there are days you make me insane, there are many more that you make me happier than I ever thought possible. I love you more than anything, with all my heart and soul. You really do complete me.
