
Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Ok, so I lied

Well, I didn't intend for it to be a lie, so does that count? I told you that as a woman of my word, I'd be posting another 100 Things about me this week. Can't do it, captain. Just not up for it. I don't know what to say and right now, 100 more 'things' about me just sounds...well...fucken boring.

Vin is going out of town tomorrow for a week, alone. He said he needs some space. Needs to clear his head and get away from all the shit he's been trying to deal with here. Be away from the responsibilities of day to day life, as it were.

Thank God. He needs this time away. He is someone that rarely has 'alone' time, and he needs it - badly.

I honestly thought I'd be more uncomfortable with him leaving than I am. In a way it is scary, because I can't be there with him which means I can't "help", and you know how much I need to be needed. But I realized that sometimes, the best help you can be to someone is no help at all. Sometimes, you have to just step back and let people sort things out for themselves and do things their own way. So that's what I'm going to do.
