
Tuesday, January 20, 2004

News Flash: I'm an idiot & Vin's a LIAR

Ok, so the train wreck of my day....

VIN is still married and living with his wife and two kids. (Oh yes, it's a fact.)

So the question is...why? Why did he do this to me? Why did he make me believe he was in love with me? Why has he lied from day one? Why was he out searching the personals and why oh why did he fucken pick ME?? Knowing my past and all the bullshit I've been through, why would he do this to me? I'm not a bad person, I don't go out and intentionally hurt people. So why?

The next question is, why did I go on believing it for so long when I KNEW he was lying about shit?

Thank god for gut feelings - it's good to know they're still right on target, even if my stupid-ass heart and head choose to ignore them.
