I'm going out and getting sloppy drunk and wallowing in the fact that I'm still in love and hoping and praying and trying to work it out even though he has now moved 700 miles away.
Yes, I'll explain all that later. But for now, FUCK VALENTINE'S DAY.
(And I'm not even going to be my usual nice self and apologize for offending anyone who is happy and in love right now. Screw you too.)
Vin - Was My Boyfriend; the married man who I was with (off and on) for over three years. The first person I fell in love with since my son's dad. I was with him 8 months before I found out he is still married. Vin committed suicide on Thanksgiving morning, 2006 - he sent me his suicide note in my email.
Jodie - My ex-roommate. I used to refer to her as my best friend. Now I refer to her as my ex-roomie...and sometimes refer to her as my friend. The longer I know her, the more I realize she is not a true friend, and won't ever be. Here's a post about her, when I was still spelling her name Jody.
Jake - The son I had 07/12/95 and placed for adoption.
Phoebe - One of my best friends, and the first girl I ever had sex with. I talked about her here and here.
June - Vin's wife.
Chris - My other ex-roommate; the one after Jodie. She was my second girlfriend; we broke up in early 2000. Our friendship is....
Some favorite quotes:
Star Wars: - No! Try not! DO or DO NOT. There is no try! ~Yoda
Star Wars: - Luke, to Yoda: I don't believe it! Yoda: THAT is why you fail.