
Monday, February 02, 2004


No, I didn't get any. TC and I couldn't get together two weekends ago for various reasons, and I wasn't feeling like myself this past weekend and decided instead of making plans to meet him in person, that I'd rather stay in and think.

For those of you who don't read other blogs on my list of "Blogs I read", you may not have seen that Sparta has outted himself as Vin. My Vin.

Rather than dwell on that right now, what I'd really like to say is that I'd much rather be back to blogging about sex. I'm sick of talking about boring relationship stuff. I'd rather indulge my readers in my fantasies of threesomes and other sexual adventures. With an enormous project out of the way at work, I may be able to get back to having time to write here again...and hopefully I'll have more delightful things to chat about besides being torn up about my relationship.

My apologies to anyone that has died as a result of the boredom experienced while viewing this site over the last few weeks. I promise, I have sex on the brain and it's only a matter of time before it flows down into my fingertips and onto the keyboard and straight to all y'all.

Hugs and kisses to all who have been so extraordinarily supportive through this mess. I only wish I could deliver them all in person.
