
Thursday, July 22, 2004

An exercise in ridiculous

I was reminded today of a couple ridiculous but funny things from my childhood.

One was that my dad used to call farting "letting a gasser." Oh, the countless giggles I had over that!

Another was that when I was really little, I thought that poop had a full, more technical name - poopies. (I wish I were kidding about that; really I do.)

Oh, and on an unrelated note (well, not entirely unrelated, as it falls somewhere in the "ridiculous" category) - someone called me yesterday from a 720 area code.

Who are you, mystery person? 

I did some research and found that area code is generated from the Denver area, but for the life of me I can't imagine who it would be. A wrong number? Perhaps. But damn, would it be too much to ask for someone to simply leave a voice mail either way?

Guess so.

Well, that's all the news for today, I guess. Let me know if you've got an interesting topic for me to blog about, will ya? Thanks!

