
Monday, July 26, 2004

May I have your opinion please

Okay. So Ted comes to pick Jodie up Friday night (10 minutes late - that made me giggle), and he's got a huge bouquet of lovely flowers (lilys, snap dragons, and a bunch of other wild-flower-looking things) for her. They decide to go to a bar-grill near our house, and (after Ted asks me to go along with them, which I politely refuse) they leave.

In my head, all I can think is "Local bar-grill is going to result in little (if any) dinner, and then they're going to hit the other two local bars. They're both going to come back here later, drunk, and she's going to fuck his brains out all night long."

Gosh it's fun to be right! (Without getting into all the details, let's just say that everything I predicted came true.)

When speaking to her the next day, I find out what fun they had and how she really likes him a lot - great personality, good looking, super sense of humor, etc. etc. (To which I'm thinking "How the fuck would you know? You were drunk! You're the absolute worst judge of character when you've been drinking.") So I ask her if she's thinking about seeing him again, and she says, "Of course! *giggle* But he has to call me first."  Then I ask if she really likes him, and if she thinks he might be boyfriend material. She says, "Absolutely. We both said how much fun we had together and how much we'd like to see each other again." You get the idea.

Here's what I'd like your opinion about.

How seriously does a guy take a girl that will get drunk and have sex with him on their first date? Does he respect her? Does he think of her as "serious girlfriend" material? Or does sex/drunkenness not matter? Am I the only one that thinks this dude is either going to wait a week before calling her, or never call her at all?

I've seen her do this a number of times - the only difference is that this one was set up by a mutual friend. Usually, she just picks up random dude from the bar and says all the same stuff about him that she said about Ted. Then he never calls. She pretends that she's fine with it and that's what she expected, but I can see clearly that she's lying through her teeth. She's hurt and she doesn't understand why he never calls again.

So you tell me - am I crazy to think that if you want a guy to take you seriously and have respect for you, your best bet is to NOT fuck him the first day you meet him?

Oh, and if you have a similar experience or something related to share, I'd LOVE to hear it!!

