
Friday, February 04, 2005

I forgot to tell you the good news...


She approached me sometime in January to "regretfully" explain that she's moving back in with her parents. Her car will be paid off in May, so if she moves home she can save (between rent and no more car payments) over $1,000 a month. She wants to buy a house, and she figures this is the only way she can do it.

Yes, it was nearly impossible to do the happy dance. I kept a straight face and told her I understood, and if I were here I'd be doing the same thing. (Um, no I wouldn't!) She apologized profusely for leaving me w/out a roommate. I told her it was no big deal and that I'd figure something out. That was pretty much the end of it.

My friend Chris is moving in. I can't remember if I've written about her or not, and I'm too lazy to go look in the archives. Chris was my second girlfriend. I met her through a friend and we dated for a couple years, then lived together, then broke up and decided just to be friends. I think part of the reason she wanted to stay friends is because I'm her hairstylist barber and every time she tries to have someone else cut her hair they fuck it up, but that's okay with me. I cut a damn fine crew cut, and if I were her I wouldn't want anyone else fucking with it either. But I digress. Chris is a good friend, very laid back, and tidy without being anal. I liked living with her before, and I can tell I'm going to like it again. And I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she's bringing furniture, dishes, a microwave...and a big screen tv.
