
Thursday, June 16, 2005

It got better

[I started this post Thursday 6/16, but got interrupted and didn't finish, then forgot about it. Finished/posted Friday instead. Yeah, I'm a dork.]

Yesterday, that is.

I left work early because some lazy fuck decided they didn't feel like doing their job and nominated me to do it instead - which included me having to deal with an irate customer who slammed the phone down to end our conversation. Now, I have no problem dealing with asshole customers. Sream at me, hang up on me - whatever, it's no big deal. What I DO have a problem with is the fact that I don't work in Customer Service - the lazy fuck who transferred me the irate customer call, however, does. I have a MAJOR FUCKING PROBLEM with people that transfer me calls just because they don't want to deal with shit. Look, bitch, either do your fucking job RIGHT, or next time, I'll come upstairs and bring you a fuckload of MY WORK for you to do, so you can see how it feels. (See, that attitude is why I had to leave work. I knew I'd go off on someone and get fired if I didn't.) Yesterday was just NOT the day to push that button.

Chris (the roomie) and I were supposed to go to a Saint's (minor league baseball) game, but ditched out (lazy fuckers that we are) and went to Applebee's for drinks and dinner instead. Some days I love Applebee's being almost directly across the street - it means I can drink and still get home. Turns out, two Long Island Teas and a tall beer were exactly what I needed to turn my mood around. I was honored - Chris had her first beer since her DWI on 6/2, and she had it with ME.

We're enjoying our drinks, and she says, "Have you convinced yourself yet that meeting Vin online wasn't a terrible idea?" I told her: Well, I never really went through that phase were I thought it was a terrible idea. I mean, anyone can lie - Whether you meet them at a bar or in a library or even at church - not just people on the internet. People present to you what they want you to see - unfortunately, that's not always the truth. Will I do things differently if there is a next time? Certainly. As with any situation that goes awry, I owe it to myself to learn from it. I'll be more careful, more leary, and less trusting - but I have to temper that so as to not become guarded, jaded, and bitter. I can't carry the baggage of another relationship gone bad to the next relationship, or it would be doomed to fail before it starts. There's a difference between being more careful/aware and acting like a suspicious lunatic. I'll have to find that middle space - where I'm not being a jealous, suspicious bitch and also not being manipulated into believing everything someone says.

Somehow, I think that's what she wanted to hear. She's been through some fucked up relationships of her own since we dated, and she's now in a position where she's "looking" again. I know she's been doing the online personals thing, and I think she's hesitant - which is good - but hopefully what I said keeps her from being so hesitant she's paralyzed.
