
Wednesday, June 08, 2005

An Open Call To...

Anyone who'd like to come smoke a bowl/joint/blunt/spliff/oney with me sometime - hit me up with an email and if you're close enough, we'll work something out.

Seems I need to make some new friends.

Email addy's in profile.

(Uh, if you can't find it, I'm not sure you should be smoking anything.)

Thanks, Dave who commented yesterday, for the great idea. You're also the reason I discovered that email addresses don't show up in my comments, even though y'all enter an email address when leaving a comment. If I can curb my laziness this weekend, maybe I'll sit down and figure out how to fix it. If not, oh well. Anyone that wants to contact me bad enough will figure out how. (If I take a minute, I can log into HaloScan and get email addy's that way, but damn. I'm too lazy for that.)

Oh and Dave? After all this time, you still read this? Even though the comments you left no longer appear on my blog (due to HaloScan not supporting them after a certain amount of time, not due to my deleting them) I remember what you said, and I know what you really think of me. Which, as I recall, is something along the lines of a fat, homewrecking slut. Not saying I hold any grudges - you said what you thought and what you felt and I respect that. At least YOU were honest. At the same time, I don't think it's a good idea to take you up on your offer to smoke - I'm trying to stay away from people who think I'm shit, not draw them to me.
