I got nothin'
So I went to breakfast with Vin last weekend. Because you know, that's what friends do. He told me that what it boils down to for him (why he won't be with me) is the money. His wife has money because her family has money. He has grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle (between his salary and her money), and it is more important to him to have money (and be "unhappy" - his word, not mine) than being with me and be happy but broke. If he left his marriage, 50% of his income would go to supporting his family. (I've heard from several divorced men with multiple children that this is the most the state of MN can take.) He obviously has no chance of decreasing that amount in a divorce settlement because of his affair with me, which his wife knows about. So rather than live on my full salary + half his salary, he's going to stay in his marriage. You know, "for now" anyway. (I make $30,000 annually - not saying this to brag, but to give you an idea what we're talkin' here...and his salary is nothing to sneeze at, either.)
I must say, that's the first time someone's ever said that to me. In past relationships, I've been the one with "money" - most of my ex's didn't work or had shitty minimum wage jobs and no car or ...whatever. Not that it ever mattered to me, I'm just saying - I doubt a single one of them would have ever said they couldn't be with me because I don't make enough money.
What can I say to that? I disagree with his decision, but I understand it. We're just totally different that way, and apparently for him, it's a deal breaker.
Fucking whatever!!!!!